Talking Tom Cat 2 Free for Android

 With a few changes and some additional functions, Talking Tom Cat 2, an interactive voice-recognition app, brings more cuteness to your Android device. The opening screen of Talking Tom Cat 2 has many of the same elements as the original, but now Tom is set up in his own apartment with a new nemesis, Ben. The graphics are just as good in the second version and the onscreen movements are very fluid. The talk function is there again and Tom can repeat anything you say in his distinctive voice. He'll also reflexively react when you poke or swipe certain parts of his body. If you try pulling his tail for example, he'll react defensively. For even more fun, you can dress up Tom in clothes, costumes, and accessories. At times, the humor is a bit juvenile, but there's nothing really offensive here and Talking Tom 2's only goal seems to make his owner laugh. The app can be installed on lower-tier smartphones that have limited graphics, although a few hiccups might occur, but it works best on devices with full graphics capabilities. There's more to do here than in the first Talking Tom Cat and, although it might not have seemed possible, they've upped the cute factor even more. We highly recommend this app to anyone who needs a quick laugh or fun diversion during down time.